Most of these resources discuss white papers, the "big ticket" items in your (written) content mix. While senior B2B marketers may find some of this material rather basic, all decision makers should read the ebooklet "Priceberg Ahead", which reveals the hidden costs of writing content in-house.
Understanding Actual In-house Costs
Learn the actual cost of writing B2B content in-house, including hidden employee costs and opportunity costs.
Why White Papers Engage B2B Buyers
Offering substantial content like white papers is an effective way of attracting and engaging skeptical B2B buyers—learn why.
Here’s What You Can Do To Win
Learn about planning, developing, distributing, and promoting high-quality white papers that connect with skeptical B2B buyers.
White Paper Basics
What is a white paper anyway? You can find out by skimming through some quick bullet points in this article.
Attracting and Engaging Buyers
This article explains what white paper marketing can do for your B2B technology company or service firm.
Freelancer Shopping Tips
How to select an appropriate professional writer for your B2B marketing collateral. Originally published on the RIC Centre blog.
Registration Required?
A quick look at how B2B marketers can derive value from white paper downloads. Originally published on the RIC Centre blog.
Hollywood-style B2B
Discover how to improve B2B lead nurturing with a storytelling technique used by filmmakers. Originally published on the RIC Centre blog.
Why or Why Not?
A few thoughts on the role of bylines in white paper marketing: what they’re for, when to use them, etc. Originally published on the RIC Centre blog.
AKA Ben’s “Pamphlet” about Pennsylvania Fireplaces
This article discusses a white paper written in 1744 by famous polymath and statesman Benjamin Franklin. Originally published on the RIC Centre blog.
Who, What, Why, Where, When, How
Results of a survey about how technology decision makers consume white papers. Originally published on the RIC Centre blog.
10 Profitable Uses
Discover how marketers frequently use white papers to connect with prospective customers.
15 Possible Scenarios
A litmus test for determining if you can benefit from white paper marketing. Originally published on the RIC Centre blog.
(And Why They’re So Ruinous!)
Read this article and avoid five common pitfalls that lead to mediocre white paper content and lackluster performance.
Entrepreneurs, Get Ready to Shift Gears
This short article is for entrepreneurs who are starting to think about marketing their technology start-up. Originally published on the RIC Centre blog.
(Formatted for Mobile Devices)
This mobile white paper, formatted for viewing on handheld devices, contains an excerpt from the white paper “Playing the White Paper Game”.